crewing with people i knew and assumed were friends. all of the sudden, i was dropped and realized there was an intricate chess game going on regarding who was 'in' and who was 'out'. though everyone was still smiling, friendly and behaving normally i had been moved to the 'out' list for no reason i could identify. i didn't think much of it because it was raining and i was actually glad to be packing up my stuff and heading out. i still had to send about 1000 dollars to set for some purchase. since i was leaving i divided the $ up and handed it to a PA with specific instructions regarding it's delivery. the supervisor made some snide comment regarding my lack of protocol and at 1st i thought she was joking. when i looked into her eyes i knew she was not. i asked her if there had been some 'rule change' regarding the trustworthiness of PA's and she just clicked her tongue judgmentally and mumbled something that sounded like an affirmation that my departure was the right thing. i felt like i was in a foreign country and had just unknowingly sparked a shitstorm because i'd pronounced 'hello' in a way that sounded like, 'your mother sucks donkey dick'. i thought about how a fucking monkey could do my job and i entertained scenarios of kicking the supervisor in the teeth before i left. i taped the money onto the hand of the confused PA in dramatic loops and slammed the door on my way out.
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