bumblebees vs. the wasps
i lived on a different world in the aftermath of a terrible and destructive event. i was bright yellow from the neck down and covered with fine fur. my species was being exterminated by our similar looking cousins who had courser fur of the same color from head to toe. you could not easily differentiate them. my people were intelligent, organized, industrious and gentle. our murderous cousins were much larger, stronger, pack-like and duller mentally, but they were ferocious hunters. i did not know why they'd decided to killed us all, but kady and i were the last two of our kind. we were making our way through the smoking ruins of a once thriving metropolis. we knew our bright color was a like a beacon but our fur was so silky it repelled dirt- we couldn't really even smudge ourselves for camouflage. for some reason they only wanted to kill me. i kept trying to get kady to take another path so she would be safe, but she said she would not leave me alone. we were at a heart breaking stalemate. i was leading us forward but to what i did not know. the whole world seemed gone and in my heart i felt hopeless. every now and again i would catch a bright flash of yellow in the distance and knew it was only a matter of time before we were spotted by them.
we were carefully making our way along a dark, crumbling wall when a door opened and stung our eyes with blinding bright light. we were both grabbed and pulled into the doorway. we were so exhausted and stunned we put up no resistance. we were quickly ushered toward the back of the immaculate apartment and put into the bathroom. the man who had grabbed us motioned for us to be silent by pressing his fingers to his lips and pointing outside. his 'dog' was bipedal and sentient, but had only the language of dogs. he smiled at us the way dogs do and then i understood then that the man was to be trusted. kady and i instinctively wrapped ourselves in towels and the shower curtain to hide our bright yellow bodies. almost immediately there was a banging knock on the door we had just been pulled through. i heard the man arguing in a language i did not speak but understood enough of to know it was the tongue of the big yellow warriors. the man led the warriors all over the apartment and soon stood with them in the bathroom 4 feet from where we sat. i held kady's hand and mentally prepared myself to die. the man was stern and powerful and i gradually understood that he was using a glitch in the warriors hard wiring to our advantage. though they could clearly see our faces, because they could not see our yellow bodies and were being spoken to in a didactic manner, they were not triggered to hunt further. i realized this was the man i had always heard the yellow warriors thought was a wizard. at that moment i almost smiled.
before the man led the warriors out of the bathroom and shut the door, he snuck me a wink. it was then that i began to quietly cry.
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