howard and beth
beth was very insecure, so since the moment she had married howard he and i had not really been able to hang out without her hovering presence. howard and i missed our friendship though and had just decided to make plans on the down low anyway to catch a film and late lunch. we met at the theater were grinning widely when we spotted each other and immediately started cracking jokes until we were both laughing to the point of tears. we saw the grand budapest hotel which just put us in an even better mood and were standing in the outer lobby trying to decide where we were going to eat when we heard beth screaming from the far end of the lobby. 'I KNOW YOU'RE HERE HOWARD! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!!' howard looked at me with horror and confusion. in an instant, beth was upon us, 'AHA! I HAVE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, HOWARD, E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E!' beth looked accusingly at me, 'PEOPLE TOLD ME HE WAS HERE WITH A BLOND MODEL!' i smiled and thought,' i guess the price of my camel hair coat was worth it after all...'. howard said, 'in all fairness, shandra, you do look good.' which made us laugh hysterically and made beth even more furious. i excused myself and left howard to sort through his unnecessary tangle.
Hey, blond model; you're starting to worry me! Hope you're ok. :-)
haha... on a show so my dreams don't follow me into my 4a.m. wake-up calls (poor little things just whither in the ether...). last week i did have some scrappy, fragmented dream where i was rumbling with lindsey lohan and her gang of sycophants. it got pretty intense but i was brushing my teeth, slugging down some joe and flying way faster than i have any right to do on that jet black 405 at o'dark thirty before i could recall even the faintest details. anyway, nice to know your still out there!
(the christian people have legislated 3 consecutive sleeping days for me, which is nice. def going to attempt a rem harvest or two.
hope you're good, friend! you have little ones so i;m sure you've got colored eggs in your future!
Yay. Work is good. Mostly; I've got too much, which is not always good. I just have one little one at the moment; 2 boys from first marriage kind roll their eyes at me these days when I call them "kid" - since they're both in their 30s. Current one is 9, female; badgering for pierced ears and dyed hair; so, yep, eggs. Thanks for letting me know. Silly of me to worry, perhaps, but yes; you are my friend. :-)
(p.s. spelling, punctuation, grammar in my previous response...brain tired)
eeek. Just what I need- more weird stuff that rubs off winding up in places it doesn't belong... A friend of mine had a baby- and was groaning - "oh, god, it's a girl. And I really hate glitter." :-)
it's cute that you can still pretend to have control over her 'girl instincts'. remember these moments when you are holding on for dear life through her teenage years!
9 is the new 14, I hear repeatedly... this morning she proudly showed me she'd put on eyeshadow and blush, to go to 3rd grade. "Are you allowed to do that??" I queried. "Oh, I've done it lots of times." Not sure I've ever imagined I have "control"; more like I hope to occasionally nudge. :-)
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