paper dolls
i had just finished the last weld on my copper 'paper doll' cookie cutters and looked over at the box containing all the cookie cutters i had already completed for the 'outfits'. i felt so happy. i placed the final cutter beside the others, took off my welding mask and gloves, wiped my hands and walked around my kitchen in a zen state as i gathered the ingredients i needed to make the dough. soon i was measuring, mixing and finally rolling out my edible medium. as i pressed the first 'paper doll' into the dough i felt a satisfying resistance as the thin edges of the mold cut into the precisely rolled surface and the details i had welded inside (facial features, hair, typically modest 1940's bra and panties) filled the voids within. when i felt the surface of the table flat under the cutter i changed my grip and carefully lifted the form from the dough. i held my breath and leaned forward to peek under as though the force of my will alone could make the impression perfect- and it was! soon i had baking sheets full of dolls and outfits lined up to go into the oven. one by one as each sheet came out and the cookies carefully made their way to the cooling racks, i marveled at their perfection and overall adorableness. after the last of the cookies had baked, i mixed a beautiful palette of vintage icing colors. i piped the outlines, floated the colors inside and then detailed everything until it was just on the tipping point of being too much. after they'd dried, i started to 'dress' the dolls and it. didn't. work. the only way it looked like a dressed cookie paper doll is if you stood directly above the cookies and moved the light so there was no shadow that drew your eye to depth of field- otherwise it was just stacked cookies. (too MUCH cookie...). i felt frustrated that i hadn't factored that obvious result into my plans. i decided to sell them anyway and put them into the case next to each other. people went crazy. they sold like hotcakes. i never let on that it was a mistake.
wow. Definitely- free range neurons going on here. I loved it. So much minute detail- so much of it so obviously at odds with "reality" - but coherent in context.
Incidentally, the free range neurons crack has so far spread to at least 1 PhD Neurologist, and an author who wants to use it in her next book. So if it crops up- you can claim you were an original inspiration. (If you search "free range neurons", in quotes, on Google - you get THREE results; none of them ours. So it has occurred to a person or two- but didn't catch on. Rare to come up with anything these days that won't get you at least a couple hundred on Google. )
Ha! Exciting! We (you...) almost invented a Google thing!
Oh, I intend to keep pushing on that iceberg. I've used it on my wife- and she now insists she wants the t-shirt; for Thursday. She volunteers at the school then. "Warning! Free-Range Neurons Roam Loose In This Vicinity!" or something. The variations are manifold. :-)
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