crossing paths
we kept crossing paths. performances, lectures, restaurants. always we would lock eyes for a moment, sometimes smile- but most often trade an unspoken question before we each turned attention back to the venue and company at hand. one day i passed him as i was entering and he was leaving the dry cleaners. again, our eyes locked and we smiled warmly at each other, but neither of us broke our step. as i put my laundry on the counter, a strangely familiar touch travel down my arm until i felt electric fingers entangling magnetically with mine and in a moment my hand was cocooned tenderly in both of his. i turned to him and for the first time we shared words. 'your hair is different,' he said as he gently lifted up a few strands 'your hair is always different every time i see you...' i smiled, 'well, that is true.' i affirmed. 'why haven't we ever-' before he could finish, i interrupted, 'that is a mystery isn't it?'. we stood facing each other and for that time everyone/thing seemed to be in suspended animation around us. without breaking the spell, i said. 'do you want to go see what the day might have in store for us?'. 'yes,' he answered most sincerely, 'i do. i really, really do.'
i left my laundry on the counter, waving goodbye over my shoulder to the shopkeeper as always- but this time i was stepping into an adventure.
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