not tired anymore
i just wanted to go home. i was crabby, demoralized and so tired from work that my bed seemed like the only place i should be. people kept passing me as i headed for my car and saying, 'are you coming?'. i didn't know what they were talking about and assumed i had just been attending to some work emergency when word was being passed around earlier in the day about meeting for drinks when the day was done. as i headed to the parking structure i could see the stream of people making a steady right just before the entrance to the structure. i was walking slower than most because i was carrying a lot of stuff and my arms and legs felt like lead. as i reached the turn off point, one of the people looked at me with a beautiful smile and shining eyes eyes before they walked to the right. in that moment i decided to 'go'. i turned to the right and found myself in a long, dark passageway. i could just make out a light at the far end and it illuminated my path enough that i didn't lose my footing on the uneven ground. my bags were heavy and there was a slight incline making the effort i had to expend to walk it almost unbearable. as i drew closer to the light i could see the color becoming a cool blue. more people passing me and smiling. i thought about turning back but i was 2/3rds there and i really just decided it would be better to get there and find someplace to rest a bit before i went back to my car. as i reached the entrance, the blue intensified and i could make out the massive ragged cavernous opening that let into the space. the ground grew more steep and i had to look down to watch my step as i pressed on.
suddenly i was in the space. it was living, pure, highly oxygenated untouched planet earth. vast expanses of beautiful vistas stretched out before me. i immediately felt energized and became overwhelmed by the beauty. i dropped my bags, fell to my knees and began to cry with total abandon. as people passed me, they touched my shoulder and said, 'i know...' i turned my tear-filled eyes in every direction and everything i saw was more beautiful and breathtaking than i imagined anything could ever be. i stretched out onto the soft, green moss beneath me. i rolled onto my back and looked at the periwinkle sky. pure white altocumulus and cumulus clouds rolled by gently in the sky. after a long while i rolled over on my belly and cradled my head in my arms as i looked past the verdant mountains toward the sea.
i felt whole and peaceful and deeply happy.
yep. Years ago, I was talking to a group of mostly "older" folks in Virginia. A couple came up to me after, telling me I was a good storyteller/speaker; and said "Please- you've got to find a way to tell the young people - what it used to be like. My grandchildren play in the creek, and think brown water and slippery green rocks and 3 fish is what it's supposed to be. When I was a child- the water was crystal clear; the bottom was clean bright pebbles, we had 3 kinds of trout and 20 other kinds of fish. They have no idea."
Still haunted by that one.
i can't figure out what the 'end game' is. are they just waiting for everyone who remembers how beautiful it was to die so they can sell this new toxic dystopian nightmare as 'normal'?
no matter. i think (and dream...) about it a lot. makes me sad. Easter Island circa 2014...
I'm not sure if you will like this better than someone planning an endgame; but I'm pretty sure there isn't one; it's just a matter of an ancient human pattern; since the invention of civilization. The rich don't care about anything; they only want to get richer. They do that, until the people they've been stepping on have nothing left to lose; the rich are slaughtered, current civilization falls (except in China for unique reasons) - then it repeats. No grand plan. This time; its so big they're not only killing the poor, they're killing the planet. I see no signs they're going to stop.
Oh! But! :-) not that I'm an optimist. But 2 things:
A) Pessimism is a philosophy with no survival value. Or any other value.
B) I don't think humans will be wiped out. It's going to get very very hard. But there will be an exit from the bottleneck.
We'll know soon enough!
Anyway, I always find the truth more comforting than supposition so I appreciate your insight. As for the ultimate value of pessimism, I would agree even though I am a practicing devotee.
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