there was trouble in his mind. i watched from a far corner as he held the broken box near his face with both of his hands as though he had just discovered it empty- missing a treasure that he could not describe. he looked around the growing dusk as it softly rolled into the room. i said his name but he did not hear me. i moved closer to him and lay my hand gently on his arm before i said his name again. he turned to me and seemed surprised. in that moment, the little blonde flower from the party emerged from the garden with a light in her eyes meant only for him. soon she stood almost between us. i looked back toward the garden and saw a dark trail drawn by the hem of her blue dress in the silver dew that had come to rest upon the grass. her smile was innocent and pure. she wanted his attention but she could not see his trouble. he looked at me with a desperate question in his eyes. ‘leave us please’ i whispered to the girl without taking my eyes away from his. as she moved away he exhaled with relief. he looked into my face as though seeing me for the first time, ‘you’re so goddamed beautiful- so goddamned beautiful.’ his voice was a river of open soul. i said his name again. he pulled me tightly into his chest and then i held him with all of my strength. he buried his face deep into my neck and wept.