Thursday, March 7, 2013

jon stewart

i was helping jon stewart and his wife move into their new house right near the harbor in a beautiful small and sunny town in maine. everything was perfect except there was a section of the fence missing that was right near the road and the dogs and the kids kept running right for it. jon didn't have any tools but he kept saying we could just wing it. i was skeptical but started looking around for stuff to use. i found wire, jon's wife found some heavy cardboard and jon came back with brittle dried reeds. his wife and i exchanged a look like, 'ugh, men...' and then started knocking together a barrier with the wire and the cardboard. when it was finished we all decided i would go back into town with jon to get some tools and materials to fix it properly while his wife made lunch. the whole way to the hardware store jon kept complaining that we just hadn't given his reeds any real consideration.


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