brad pitt & angelina jolie

i was angelina jolie and my bf was brad pitt. we were
junkies. we lived on skid row. someone took my puppy, but i was so
loaded i couldn't remember anything about it, i only knew it felt like
the last good thing in my life was gone. brad kept saying, 'it's okay,
baby, don't worry...', but it wasn't anything more than words because he
had just hit up and was on the verge of totally nodding out. i looked
down at my hands, they were almost black from living on the street. my
wrists and arms were hardly more than bone and skin and were covered
with scabs and infected sores. i kept thinking, 'how did i get this bad?
why is it so hard to be another way in this life?' i heard brad yelling
motherfucker at someone. i looked up and saw it was just some other
random junkie he had pressed up against the wall and was grilling
incoherently about my puppy. brad threw a couple of wild punches then
began to stumble and reach around looking for a place to lean. i looked
around at all the garbage in the giant drain pipe we were in and i
thought, 'this is not a life that i can live anymore.' brad slid down
the wall and laid down in a wet pile of plastic bags, moldy clothing and
urine. he still looked beautiful to me.
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