amy and i were sisters and even though she was as chatty as a squirrel, i enjoyed traveling with her. we took a drive for the weekend and stayed at rather snooty hotel just to give ourselves a treat. saturday night we had our usual back and forth about who would set the alarm and amy insisted she would do it or be angry about it (sisters...). i woke up to amy chatting on the phone with one of her girlfriends. her conversation was (as usual) about totally nothing and as i moved into the conscious world i figured she had got up before her alarm and let me sleep in because she knew i was tired. as my eyes focused, i saw that it was 1 p.m. which was past checkout time. i freaked out because we had to be back in town on monday morning and i didn't want to pay for another night we couldn't even use. i started to scramble to pack up my things and pull on my clothes and realized that amy had unpacked EVERYTHING and actually 'decorated' while i was sleeping making it a total easter egg hunt to find my things and pack up. as i rushed around the room finding and shoving my belongings into my bag, i cradled the phone to my ear with my shoulder and tried to talk the front desk out of charging us for another night. they reluctantly agreed but only because the hotel was at capacity and the next guests were at the front desk at that moment. i swore we would be out in five minutes. i was in that horrible state of forced emergency mode from dreamland and everything was still blurry around the edges. amy was talking away the whole time saying she didn't realize the time and just wanted me to rest and didn't the room look pretty at least? i was floored by the amount of stuff she had packed and was just using my arm to sweep our belongings all mixed together into our bags. we were still shoving together our stuff when the houseman arrived to clean our room for the incoming guests. he was clearly annoyed and not softened a bit by my apologies. as we were dragging our bags into the hallway like refugees, two elegant and beautiful gay men approached. they took us in and i could see they thought we looked terribly out of context.
Pretty close to the "Suddenly on stage naked in high school" dream. :-)
And where did you find that photo?? Certainly the creepiest little child I've run into; obviously for Halloween- and boy does the kid get it.
ha. yeah.
by 'creepy' do you mean FREAKING ADORABLE? also, i have no idea who that baby is, but you're right- she gets it and i totally love her.
No, Freaking Adorable was not my thought. They were, possibly in sequence, "Cripes!, Creepy!" then "Mom put the make up on; explained to the kid what it's supposed to mean - kid 'gets it', big time. Creepy." then, "wow, that tiny kid is scary smart. Cripes"
No adorable. Though, obviously, such a child would be totally adorable- much of the time. But I have one like that myself; and, sometimes - they're scary. :-)
Ok, quick example, since I'm avoiding work. When Smidgen was 4 (now 9). She was sitting in her high chair, still very much needed; being intensely chewed out by all 3 adults in the house, her mom, her dad, and her 32 year old brother. We surrounded her. Basically repeating, one after another; "You've been HORRIBLY naughty - it was very dangerous- you MUST NOT EVER do that again." Then it was her turn, to respond. No expression. Pause, of about 8 beats. Then she turned to her mother, and calmly enunciated "Your pants are on backwards."
4 years old. That was, of course, the total end of the conversation - and I'm pretty sure that's what she intended. Pretty sure that within 2 minutes of the event, none of the adults could have told you what the naughty event was.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's official- I adore Smidgen!
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