the endless struggle
she seemed to know me and it was awkward because i did not recognize her at all. she began to reference past projects and people that were familiar to me but i could not fit her face into any of them. when i stepped into the elevator she followed me and kept talking. she peppered me with updates and information and seemed to know that i had been working on location. i examined her features and mannerisms as she spoke and tried to extract any vague recollection but it was futile. someone passed in the hall and even said her name as she stepped into the elevator behind me but it only sounded like a dull thud to my ears. i suddenly realized that all her chatter had distracted me from the simple task of remembering my floor and i stepped off with her to get my bearings again. i then found myself being ushered through her project. room after room packed full of the best and the brightest all brainstorming each facet of the job. i recognized almost everyone and realized the magnitude and intensity of the project was simply more than i wanted to take on. she kept saying, 'so, when are you coming on board?' i told her i hadn't wrapped out yet and most probably needed a breather before i dove into something so intense.
i finally shook her and as i made my way to my room i found myself in a boxing match between my need for immediate sleep and what it would mean in the long term to turn away this level of work.