another lesson in elasticity
kelly was helping me pack up the last of my things. the property looked endless now that it was almost empty and I let myself feel nostalgic as I took in the little glimpse of the ocean that had belonged to me for almost 16 years. the afternoon light was gorgeous and I could smell sea salt on the warm breeze that blew through the palms. 'hey,' kelly said, 'why don't you throw the dogs in the porsche and let me finish up here.' i laughed when I looked down at his muddy little designer dogs. 'you must really feel sorry for me to offer that.' 'i don't give a shit about a little dirt (massive lie)- and besides, a nice drive with the boys will do you a world of good (complete truth). i hardly protested.
as i made my way down the canyon, i silently repeated my new awareness that a woman is not defined by her possessions nor the the place in which she resides. in that moment I allowed myself to feel a little lucky (after all...). bruce licked my hand and as i patted his head i wondered why in the hell anyone would want to breed a rottweiler down to a 7 pound dog.