Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
bone density and red hair
there was an issue of diminished bone density and inferior femur strength in infants born with red hair. something had to be done. the work from my lab was so close to getting answers and i knew part of the solution was educating the public to garner more support for research. i spoke to katie couric and showed her my charts. she seemed so interested during the pre-interview, but it was clear she didn't think the issue would bring her ratings. the fact that inferior femur strength in red headed babies could be wiped out did not matter in the decision to air. i was enraged.
loser luvr
i wished her luck but i knew we would never be close again.
Monday, January 28, 2013
back home
when i'd owned the house, i had always thought of the rental as too tiny to really live in comfortably- but i'd bedded down in a million hotel rooms since then and as i entered it now, it seemed like a perfectly proportioned fairy cottage (a purple fairy cottage...). the french windows had all been thrown open to bring in the day, the breeze and the expansive view of the bay. the green glass tiled 20's fireplace had been restored to it's original glory. 'oh my god, how beautiful... i always meant to do that...' i said as my hands fell upon the smooth, cool tiles. siskel and ebert just stood in the doorway and let me explore. i could feel them smiling behind me. i stepped out onto the slate balcony and was drenched with a combination of the dazzling blues of the sea and the sky and the salty, bright taste of the ocean in the air. 'god, why did i ever leave here?' i asked myself out loud. 'because you were stupid' they both said in unison. we all laughed together. 'yes,' i answered, 'you are correct, sirs...'
i turned back into the apartment and said to the men, 'if it weren't for the color, i'd move in in a heartbeat.'. siskel was light and dismissive 'oh, we just let peter paint it because he had his wedding here, but you can have it any color you want.'. ebert moved toward me and took my hand, 'move in, shandra, you know we love you'. siskel came up from behind him, threw his arms around me and started singing 'little mama's coming back!- see, you can look at the bridge when you write!' 'wait. what?' i stammered, 'i can't-' 'YES you can. you know you can.' ebert lectured. 'stop wandering the world like a gypsy. come home. we miss you.' (ebert could always be so earnest when the moment called for it).
I agreed without much more fuss and we spent the rest of the afternoon drinking margaritas, laughing and scotch-taping a rainbow of paint chips onto the walls of the apartment. I emailed and phoned everyone i needed to to get my belongings either stored or sent to san francisco. we wound up too drunk to choose suitable colors that day, but i remember feeling very happy that i'd made the choice to stay.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
i was christain bale

Inspo., a photo by Young Buff on Flickr.
i was christain bale. i was meeting a young sharon stone at her mansion in belair for a private dinner. i was greeted at the door by a slender and poetically beautiful maid. she was dressed in a modest tiffany blue classic service outfit with a plain, cream colored cotton apron. she was warm and genuine. she informed me that sharon would be in shortly but she had prepared my favorite drink to keep me company while i waited. i was pleased and surprised. i thought, 'well, isn't it just god damn great to be a movie star...'. i had a sip of the very fine scotch and took inventory of the maid as she left the room.
i stood in the center of the large elegant mid-century modern hollywood living room and admired its impeccable restoration. the floor was a beautiful blond terrazzo with a fine dense wool carpet anchoring the space. one entire wall was floor to ceiling windows and offered my eyes a lush and expensive view that i knew few would ever be privileged enough to see. there was also no doubt in my mind that a long pedigree of young, handsome actors had taken their turn standing in this very spot over the years waiting for dates with their own A-list actresses. i was feeling pleased to be 'hollywood royalty' and wondering what the rest of the night would bring.
'hello...' said a voice behind me. i turned around and there stood sharon. she was delicate and translucent. it seemed her perfect bones were just beneath the surface of her skin. 'hello.' i smiled back. 'let me give you a tour.' she said as she reached for my hand. just then the lovely maid came in to check on any need we might have. sharon flashed an ugly, jaded micro-grimace toward the maid that i wasn't meant to see, 'leave us alone.', she hissed. the maid snapped into total professionalism, but i could see that she'd been hurt. ''of course, ms. stone.'
sharon turned back to me radiant and smiling, re-gathered my hand and led me deeper into her house. there were candles glowing everywhere. she was ready for me there was no doubt in my mind. we walked into what looked like a master bath. the tub was full of steamy, clear water with gardenias and lit candles floating on the surface. i started to gather her into me, 'no, silly, this isn't the master....'. i put my drink down and followed her like a hound on a fox hunt.
we moved through room after room until we arrived in a magnificent master bedroom. the bed had already been turned down and 20 feet beyond the edge of the bed i could see a full size swimming pool in front of the (again) floor to ceiling windows. my smile could hardly be contained. i took off my coat and started to pull off my tie as i headed for the pool. 'NO!' sharon screamed. startled, i stopped dead in my tracks. sharon grabbed my elbow and pulled me to kneel at the edge of the pool. 'it's not full, see? those are my babies'' sharon pointed into the pool and in the dwindling light coming from the magnificent windows i could see that indeed, there was only 3 feet of water in the pool- and it was alive with something. 'they're crayfish, silly! look how fast they are!' darting and jetting about were probably 50 of the brownish, crustaceans. 'but why-' i began to question. 'oh, i have to keep them separate from my shrimp or they'll eat them, see?' sharon then plucked a squirming shrimp from a nearby bowl that until now i had not seen, and dangled it above the crayfish. the water began to boil with excitement. sharon giggled, 'i told you. they go crazy!' just then a crayfish lept out of the water and grabbed the terrified shrimp from sharon's fingers. within seconds it was pulled apart and devoured by the crayfish swarm.
i stood up. it was perfectly clear to me now that sharon stone was bat-shit crazy. 'the crayfish have to go.' i ordered. her face was crestfallen and she stammered, 'what? why?' 'because i am going to fuck the shit out of you in that pool.' i answered. 'oh... ' she said, ' i can have filipe move them into the pond outside tomorrow.'
i kissed her goodbye on the forehead and told her to give me a call when it was done.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
slave girl
they were rehearsing a shot with all the actors. i heard someone come over the walkie and say all the girl's tops had to be color-changed by the time they were ready to roll. i was going insane even trying to find a place to work, enough fabric, knowing there would not be enough time. the lead actress was sweet and kept trying to chat me up. all the other actors came in and brushed my stuff off the table so they could put their iphones and drinks down. i wanted to sweep all of their possessions onto the floor and scream at them. a little scruffy English boy wearing a kilt walked up to me and asked me if i needed an expert sewer. i threw my arms around him and nearly cried from relief. he saw then how in a jam i was and apologized for making a joke. i kept thinking, 'what is wrong with me? why am i here? why am i doing this job?
spy in a russian insane asylum
when i took the mission, i'd been shown footage of my target. he had long, stringy hair, a beard, spent his days in a giant, dirty onesie and looked like he'd needed a bath for at least a year. he resembled Che Guevara. to gain his confidence and get the information i need to be immediately perceived as unstable. i am delivered to the house by armed guards and when i am sure i can be seen by the inmates of the house, i spit and kicked at them. my target pretended not to see but i knew he had. days went by. i knocked over dishes, threw food and screamed obscenities. part of my cover story was that i'd just had a baby taken away which i still pumped milk for, so every day i would be escorted into this dirty RV where i plugged in the pump. stuck the suction cups to the crusty naugahyde seat (loud and sucking sound) off-loaded progress reports, got orders for the next day, took a fresh bottle of warm goat milk that had been left for me and made my exit. i did not know who my contact was in the house. i left info for her/him in a secret compartment. after i finished, i took the bottle of milk and left the rv screaming about my hungry baby.
within a couple of weeks, the target and i happened upon a tiny orphaned kitten. i no longer relinquished my goat milk to the officer when i exited the RV and we fed it to the kitten. it became our 'baby'. the target started trusting me and started telling me things.
two months in, a band of loud, dangerous thugs approached the house. as they drew closer and climbed up the hill toward us, they shouted in more and more graphic detail what they were going to do to us because we were a group of 'retards'. since my arrival, i had always seen small guitar pick shaped pieces of a silvery pot metal lying about. some had various insignias stamped into them. i'd always thought they were cheap souvenirs from some long ago carnival field trip. i understood now that they were bullets. my mark produced a gun, loaded it with a handful of the metal shapes and shot every member of the attacking gang at least 7 times in the head and 7 times in the upper body. shooting and shooting until the blood flowed like dark rivers into the dead leaves and debris on the hill. he then turned to the other inmates and without a word seemed to tell them it was time to leave.
the inmates immediately dropped all remnants of infantile affectation and i saw them for what they were; special ops. they gathered their things to follow my mark out of the now not safe house into the grey woods. my mark said, 'we can't take the kitten'. i cried. he squeezed my arm and said 'get your stuff'. it was all so sudden, nothing i had been briefed for... i wasn't thinking clearly. in a small moment when i found myself left alone, suddenly my contact reveled herself and she did not appear surprised by the turn of events. i thought, 'she looks just like my sister'. she held out the wire she had worn, i knew if i put it on i would probably wind up dead, i took it from her hand and started to shove the pack into my waistband. the other inmates were yelling for me to hurry, she said 'pull the mic wire up through your bra- it will hold it secure and the mic will be closer to your face.' i did as she said and grabbed the rest of the bullets i could find shoving them into my pockets as i moved toward the door.
tears were falling from my eyes as i made my way into the woods to catch up to the others- but those tears had nothing to do with the kitten.