Saturday, April 27, 2013

nursery bathroom

we were shooting at a school, but it also seemed to be a home. there was so much activity and chaos. no one seemed to know what was going on, what scene was up next- nothing. everyone in every department was scattered throughout the location and it seemed like no one knew how to use the walkies. i had to pee and i couldn't hold it one second longer. the door was locked but i had no choice but to stand and wait. when i finally got in i realized it was a baby nursery. i felt around for the light switch but every one that i flipped only specifically turned on some rainbow, mood or baby disco light. i finally just turned them all on since the combination offered me just enough light to see the toilet. what was a toilet doing in a babies room i thought. everything was carpeted and blanketed and there were stuffed toys everywhere. yuk, i thought. how stupid and unsanitary. just then an animatronic dog lifted it's head and looked toward the door as though it had heard a sound. really? who would put a kid in a room like this? it was like a science experiment a disney fanatic would conduct on their spawn to see if it ultimately turned magical or something. i finished peeing and the toilet flushed itself (naturally...), but there was no sink to wash my hands. i plunged back out into the chaos (and light) to find one of the actors was not wearing his costume. where's his costume? i said to kim. i really have no idea she laughed. he needs to be wearing his costume! i said again. she shrugged her shoulders and said she thought she'd seen it earlier in the day on a hanger somewhere. i asked the actor and he grinned like an idiot and said, oh, yeah, yeah... i had it, but i have no idea where it is now.


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