snow white
her skin was like porcelain, her eyes were sapphire blue and her features were sweet and kind. framing her face was a softly curled, silky mane of chocolate-y auburn hair that made her look like snow white- except she was tough. she could climb a 40 foot rigging like a monkey, spit and fight like one of the boys and never held her tongue if she felt passionate about something. she came from hardscrabble and had no interest in hiding it. however, her beloved came from the other side of the tracks. 6'2", blond and fair with a chiseled jaw and gentrified manner. he was softer of spirit, played lacrosse and belonged to the 'upper crust' country club set. their sex together was tender, complete, playful and filled with joy, but when they fought (which was often) they would go to the 10th round. he said over and over again that was a characteristic he didn't want in a woman, but she couldn't be anything other than what she was. there was a constant push and pull. they were drawn together by an undeniable attraction/romance and pulled apart by a basic difference in their respective approaches to conflict resolution/temperament when it came to the mundane negotiations of daily living. the time came when he was going to be married and he said to her, 'i can't be married to you. i can't be married to a woman i fight with like i fight with you. i have to be married to someone in my phylum- someone like me...'. her heart was broken, but she understood it because many times she had thought the same thing. they cried together, shared one last tender kiss and then parted ways- but not really. it was such a brief time between when he had made the declaration of his intent to marry another and when they had said goodbye that indeed, they were still crossing into each others lives. the day of the ceremony grew closer and she for some reason was part of it in terms of rigging or flowers or behind the scenes details. she had seen the woman and the woman was like the man in appearance; tall, gentrified, elegant, but there was a disconnect that she could feel. they looked like they belonged together but there was no 'thing' that connected them- nothing flowing or alive or beautiful. but again, they looked like they belonged together and the world thought that they belonged together and so she accepted that. each night in the time leading up to the marriage the knot in her stomach wrapped her into a ball and the sorrow in her breaking heart pushed tears out of her eyes. she wept helplessly and privately until all her tears were spent and she could not make a sorrowful sound. during the day she put on a brave face and accepted it outwardly. she never questioned him about his decision to marry the other woman. finally the day came and the man came to see her to say his final goodbye. the electricity between them was palpable. they looked at each other with eyes shining from brimming tears but none of the tears fell. they didn't touch and they barely spoke but he stammered, 'i have to, i have to be married.' it was something to do with his social standing or his family or family money....a tsunami of emotion closed her throat and would not let her speak, but she nodded that she understood. he said 'today. it's has to be today..' he never referred to the woman he intended to marry by name. cut to snow white delivering the bridal bouquet to his intended. the woman was about to be kidnapped by 5 or 7 ninja/attackers. without hesitation, the little tough cookie snow white used her monkey boy skills to to kick the living shit out of every single assailant while the country club bride clutched her hands tightly and helplessly to her chest in frozen fear. the little snow white protected her without a thought to her own safety. at the end when all of the attackers had been laid to waste by her, the man entered and saw what she had done. she immediately turned away from him and walked fast and alone back into her life to climb the rigging again. she had climbed to the the 40th floor of a building when her phone vibrated in her pocket. it was someone saying 'he needs you to come to the church'. again, without hesitation she went. she crawled down the face of the building and made her way to the church. she walked up to the doors of the church and was pulled in and pushed down the isle by many hands. her paramour stood waiting for her with tears falling from his eyes. hiccuping from emotion, arms outstretched and in front of a full congregation he begged her to forgive him and he begged her to marry him. and she did