lunch prep
i was watching lunch preparation for about a thousand kids at a camp. i kept noticing poor sanitary practices. at first i was just thinking, 'well i guess i'm not eating while i'm visiting this camp...', but then the appalling nature of what was happening was too much and i had to say something. i got the camp director and we stood a small distance away and watched for awhile while big globs of hamburger and other stuff were being dropped on the floor and then scooped up and put right back into the prep line. i felt like vomiting. the director and i walked up to the head prep guy to confront him and as we approached he said, 'i knew you was watchin' me, i knew you was watchin' me...come over here. this ain't about unsanitary, this is about zero food waste!' the director and i looked at each other like, is this guy high? the prep guy then directed our attention to a giant stainless steel box. it had a big mouth into which the workers were scraping and dumping all the half eaten cafeteria plates mixed in with inedible garbage. on the other end of the box perfectly wrapped segmented gold foil bars were coming out the back end and stacking neatly. all the bars had a slight variation in the gold tone of their wrappers. the prep guy holds up a chart and compared one of the bars matching it exactly. 'see?' he said holding a bar to it's corresponding color on the chart, 'this one means it's chocolate and caramel ~ open it!' we opened it and indeed it was a slightly imperfect but otherwise seemingly edible bar- which i tasted. then he said, 'open more!' as we opened more bars, at first i thought, 'wow, this guy is a genius, food waste is such a huge problem- this will change the world!'. and then as we kept opening, i started to notice hairs and computer pieces mixed in with the food. 'this is not edible' i said. 'ooh... just brush that off'!' he answered. i started looking closer at his machine and realized there was nothing inside to actually separate or sterilize anything once it got thrown in. i started feeling sick that i had tasted the candy bar.