glass frog
he was old and he was holding a piece of technology in his hands that his 19th century skill-set could not make work. the casing was clear and its parts and wires were visible and it looked like the electronic belly of a glass frog. the device was as still as a rock and the man could not even illicit a buzz or blink from the thing. he said it was useless and i tried to explain to him that it was not. he started to shake it and knock it on the edge of the table. i offered to take it from his hand and explain it to him but he grew even more agitated upon hearing words that represented more things he didn't understand. his rheumy eyes looked at me sharply and i saw that he thought i was now part of the problem. he raised the object above his head and smashed it on the ground. he mumbled under his breath, kicked the broken pieces and slowly climbed the stairs to his porch without looking back. he slammed the door behind him.
Just finished reading "Zelda" today. Was supposed to be writing; so reading about writers, right?
Then watched "Roxanne" tonight, so as to not write some more. Thought- why don't I know more of "Sandy's" work? Where is this person?
Not in Norman, BC, regardless. You're an interesting person. : -)
You prompted me to look up Penelope Green's review of 'Zelda' for The New York Times. She characterized Scott and Zelda's relationship as symbiotic to the point of cannibalism- so now I have to divert my attention and read it as well.
Thanks a lot! ;)
As a biologist, I'd have to say the "symbiotic" and "cannibalism" amount to a mixed metaphor- but in terms of what was going on, she nailed it. In my own analysis I'd call them "exact mirrored narcissistic sociopaths". Their faces are nearly identical; apart from gender - and their utter self-absorbtion likewise identical. They became each other's enablers; "Yes, you're totally correct to not care about anyone or anything else". Astonishing that she wound up actually psychotic, and he miserable! Not. Helluva parable, though.
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