beyonce and jay z
beyonce and jay z were showing me their new house. the grounds were huge and it seemed more like the campus of a small university than a home for two people and a baby. diana ross and berry gordy had been invited as well but diana kept making snide, envious comments about beyonce's success and marriage then would look over at barry and give him the stank eye before she said things like, 'i guess i wasn't good enough to put a ring on it' and 'love child my ass, you just wanted my money'. barry was staying silent, but it was obvious these were words he'd heard many times before. beyonce kept whispering to jay z, 'she's my hero, why is she being mean to me?' it was amusing in a train wreck kind of way, but i wasn't in the mood for awkward social drama so while diana continued to morph into norma desmond, i decided to wander the grounds.
soon i came upon a building that looked like a small library. inside was a woman named jennifer sitting in a wheel chair who was intent upon telling me the story of her lost inheritance and how all of 'this' rightfully belonged to her. as she rambled on i kept thinking about how hominids were really just full of unnecessary unhappiness and i excused myself to go walk on the beach.
"i kept thinking about how hominids were really just full of unnecessary unhappiness"
You know- I think someone should ask the bonobos about that. The ones in "captivity" are likely not too happy; but the ones that are "free" are quite likely to be eaten tomorrow afternoon, by leopards and "humans" - I wonder what their perception of "happiness" - is? I know a bonobo researcher. I'm going to ask. (not making that up.)
If your friend works with Kanzi the bonobo I am about to slide into pure envy!!!!! I love Kanzi, his sweet little chirping voice and his obsession with making camp fires. Anyway, I think gorillas and bonobos are probably the most chill of all the cousins, so they're def exempt from my dreams blanket statement!
Did you happen to catch the piece on NPR about the language of prairie dogs? Apparently they have names for each other, can describe details of the people who study them (like body size, color, intent etc.) and have in-depth information sharing about the predators who would like to eat them! If prairie dogs are chatting it up, can you imagine the degree of self awareness possessed by bonobos?
Okay, that's it. I'm submitting my bonobo membership application!
P.S. Tell me what your friend says! :)
Well, I was about to say "nah, don't think so" - but it turns out once I google a bit that Kanzi is in Des Moines now- and that's the last place I know my friend was visiting. So. Maybe! I'll definitely let you know- this is the kind of question he likes, in fact- but it may take a month to get a response.
Oh, and nope on the prairie dogs, but I'll try to dig it up. I'm out in the boonies; no cable; and our TV reception is so dicey we seldom scan broadcast for anything worthwhile. Too many food shows! :-)
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